08.01.2025 Notice of Postponement of Adjourned Meeting

Unsere ETPs

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White Label ETPs

Erwecken Sie Ihre Anlageidee zum Leben.

White Label ETPs

White label

Exchange traded products


Anlagestrategie wählen


Einwickeln in handelbare
Wertpapiere (ETP)


Liste an den wichtigsten europäischen ETF-Börsen


ETPs: Was sind sie?

Börsengehandelte Produkte (ETPs) sind börsennotierte Wertpapiere, die es Anlegern ermöglichen, an der Wertentwicklung des zugrunde liegenden Index oder der zugrunde liegenden Strategie zu partizipieren.

Sie könnten verwendet werden, um eine aktiv verwaltete Strategie zu verpacken oder einfach einen Index nachzubilden. ETPs können in kurzer Zeit notiert werden, haben niedrige Eintrittsbarrieren und werden an den Hauptmärkten regulierter Börsen gehandelt.

Damit liegen sie zwischen Actively Managed Certificates (AMCs) und traditionellen ETFs.

Exchange Traded Fund
Actively Managed Certificate
Exchange Traded Product
Laufende Fixkosten
$200-300k / year
Break even AUM
Ja (Diversifikation, Leverage, Vermögenswerte)
Trades in den meisten liquiden Segmenten offen für mehrere Market Maker
Handelt auf weniger liquiden Zertifikatssegmenten, geschlossen für einen Market Maker
Trades in den meisten liquiden Segmenten offen für mehrere Market Maker
Verfügbare aktive Strategien
Zeit bis zur Markteinführung
3-5 Monate
1-2 Monate
1-2 Monate
Reisepass innerhalb des Vereinigten Königreichs/der EU
an der Börse über große Broker oder OTC Minimal
Auf spezialisierte Makler/Banken
An der Börse über große Broker oder OTC
besitzt Basiswerte
Beschränkt Emittentenkreditrisiko der Bank
Minimal besitzt zugrunde liegende Vermögenswerte


As of

Year-to-Date Change

As of
Year-to-Date Change

As of
Year-to-Date Change

As of
Year-to-Date Change

As of
Year-to-Date Change
As of


Year-to-Date Change

As of

Year-to-Date Change


Für Vermögensverwalter


Retail / Institutioneller Zugang über große Broker und große Marktteilnehmer


Für europäische OGAW zugelassene ETPs, die mit PRIIPs, MIFID und anderen geltenden Vorschriften konform sind


Operations, Handels- und regulatorische Dokumente sortiert. Marketing, spezielle Produktseiten und PR bereitgestellt

Für Anleger

Niedrige Investition

Investieren Sie ab 1 Aktie zu niedrigen Preisen (ca. $5)


Zugang zu Nischen-/aktiven Strategien zur Ergänzung von Kernbeständen


Handel wie jede andere Aktie oder ETF auf regulierten Märkten


Für Vermögensverwalter


Retail / Institutioneller Zugang über große Broker und große Marktteilnehmer


Für europäische OGAW zugelassene ETPs, die mit PRIIPs, MIFID und anderen geltenden Vorschriften konform sind


Operations, Handels- und regulatorische Dokumente sortiert. Marketing, spezielle Produktseiten und PR bereitgestellt

Für Anleger

Niedrige Investition

Investieren Sie ab 1 Aktie zu niedrigen Preisen (ca. $5)


Zugang zu Nischen-/aktiven Strategien zur Ergänzung von Kernbeständen


Handel wie jede andere Aktie oder ETF auf regulierten Märkten

Über uns

Wir erledigen die schwere Arbeit:

Sie konzentrieren sich auf:

Handel & Neugewichtung
Zulassung in UK&EU zu handeln
Melde wesen
Marketing & PR
Reporting & Portfolio-Zusammensetzung
Ihre Strategie

Wir erledigen die
schwere Arbeit:

Sie konzentrieren sich auf:

Reporting & Portfolio-Zusammensetzung



Handel & Neugewichtung


Zulassung in UK&EU zu handeln


Marketing & PR

Ihre Strategie

Es ist an der Zeit, dass die Welt von Ihrer Strategie erfährt.

Bevorzugte Anbieter



Prime Broker und Depotbank

Dedizierter Markt





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Required Information

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Verpassen Sie nie wieder wichtige Ankündigungen. Holen Sie sich Premium-Inhalte vor der Masse. Genießen Sie exklusive Einblicke nur über den Newsletter.

Welcome to Leverage Shares



Please confirm the Terms and Conditions by clicking on “I agree”.

This website is for informational purposes only.

This website is accessible to retail investors in the EU for informational purposes only. Leverage Shares does not directly distribute to retail investors. Retail clients should not rely on any of the information provided and should seek independent financial advice.

Information contained in this website is intended only to provide general and preliminary information and does not constitute any legal or investment advice, an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any security, including shares of any Exchange Traded Products (“ETPs”).

An investment in the promoted ETPs may only be made based on the ETPs´ legal documentation and will be subject to terms and conditions contained therein.

The information provided on this site is not directed to any United States person or any person in the United States, any state thereof, or any of its territories or possessions. The ETPs shown on this website are not available for sale in the U.S. or to a U.S. person.

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Please confirm the Terms and Conditions by clicking on “I agree”.

This website is for informational purposes only.

Information contained in this website is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to EU regulated firms such as Investment Intermediaries and Asset Managers. This information does not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any security, including shares of any Exchange Traded Products (“ETPs”).

An investment in the promoted ETPs may only be made based on the ETPs´ legal documentation and will be subject to terms and conditions contained therein.

The information provided on this site is not directed to any United States person or any person in the United States, any state thereof, or any of its territories or possessions. The ETPs shown on this website are not available for sale in the U.S. or to a U.S. person.

I acknowledge having my legal residence in the selected location.

Please confirm the Terms and Conditions by clicking on “I agree”.

This website is for informational purposes only.

This website is accessible to retail investors in the UK for informational purposes only. Leverage Shares does not directly distribute to retail investors. Retail clients should not rely on any of the information provided and should seek assistance from an IFA for all investment guidance and advice.

Information contained in this website is intended only to provide general and preliminary information and does not constitute any legal or investment advice, an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any security, including shares of any Exchange Traded Products (“ETPs”).

An investment in the promoted ETPs may only be made based on the ETPs´ legal documentation and will be subject to terms and conditions contained therein.

The information provided on this site is not directed to any United States person or any person in the United States, any state thereof, or any of its territories or possessions. The ETPs shown on this website are not available for sale in the U.S. or to a U.S. person.

I acknowledge having my legal residence in the selected location.

Please confirm the Terms and Conditions by clicking on “I agree”.

This website is for informational purposes only.

Information contained in this website is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to FCA regulated firms such as Independent Financial Advisors (IFAs) and Wealth Managers. This information does not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any security, including shares of any Exchange Traded Products (“ETPs”).

An investment in the promoted ETPs may only be made based on the ETPs´ legal documentation and will be subject to terms and conditions contained therein.

The information provided on this site is not directed to any United States person or any person in the United States, any state thereof, or any of its territories or possessions. The ETPs shown on this website are not available for sale in the U.S. or to a U.S. person.

I acknowledge having my legal residence in the selected location.

This website is intended for U.S. residents.

The content on this website is for informational purposes only and is educational in nature.

The material contained on this website is not intended as a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any security or to adopt any investment strategy.

This website is intended for U.S. residents.

The content on this website is for informational purposes only and is educational in nature.

The material contained on this website is not intended as a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any security or to adopt any investment strategy.