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Vanilla Global Balanced ETP

The Vanilla Global Balanced ETP is an actively managed ETP that invests in London Stock Exchange listed exchange traded products across asset classes (including equity, fixed income and commodity) and regions with the aim of maximising portfolio returns, while controlling portfolio risk to a volatility level of between 10% and 15% over a 5-year period (the “Investment Strategy”). The weightings and selections of those ETPs (the “Reference Assets”) are rebalanced on a monthly basis at most, using a range of technical and fundamental metrics.
NAV as of


52 WK:

1 Day NAV Change


as of

NAV Total Return



as of



as of

Was Spricht Für Vanilla Global Balanced ETP?

Access a trend following systematic strategy.

Aims to outperform the S&P 500 over a market cycle.

Can go long or short the S&P 500 (max. leverage 1.5x) or invest in cash.

Physically-backed product

Einfach. Gehandelt wie alle andere Einlagen.

Quality Large Cap

Get exposure to a collection of large, well-established companies known for their financial stability, reliability and long history of growth.


Emphasis on high conviction global themes and sectors with an emphasis on the US.

Actively Managed

The strategy chooses the most promising sectors based on their combined momentum and macro-economic signals.


Data as of








Rendite seit Jahresbeginn




ALLE (annualisiert)


ALLE (kumuliert)



Annualisiertes Volumen


52 Wochen





Average Turnover



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