Vuelva realidad su idea de inversión.
Marca Blanca
Productos Cotizados en Bolsa (ETPs)
Elija una estrategia de inversión

Colóquela en valores
transables (ETPs)

Enlístela en las principales bolsas de ETFs


ETPs: ¿Qué son?
Los Productos Cotizados en Bolsa (ETPs) son valores cotizados que permiten a los inversores participar en el rendimiento del índice o estrategia subyacente.
Podrían usarse para envolver una estrategia administrada activamente o simplemente rastrear un índice. Los ETPs pueden cotizar en un marco de tiempo corto, tienen bajas barreras de entrada y se comercian en los principales mercados de intercambios regulados.
Esto los coloca en un punto óptimo entre los Certificados Administrados Activamente (AMCs) y los ETFs tradicionales.

UCITS ETF Exchange Traded Fund |
AMC Actively Managed Certificate |
ETP Exchange Traded Product |
Costos fijos continuos | $200-300k / year | ||
AUM de equilibrio | $50M | <$5M | <$5M |
Restricciones de inversión | Sí (diversificación, apalancamiento, activos) | No | No |
Liquidez | Opera en la mayoría de segmentos líquidos abiertos a múltiples creadores de mercado | Opera en segmentos de certificados menos líquidos, cerrados a un creador de mercado | Opera en los segmentos más líquidos, abiertos a múltiples creadores de mercado |
Estrategias activas disponibles | Sí | Sí | Sí |
Hora de lanzamiento | 3-5 meses | 1-2 | 1-2 meses |
Aprobado en el Reino Unido/UE | Sí | No | Sí |
Accesibilidad | En intercambios a través de los principales corredores u OTC | Limitada a corredores especialistas/bancos | En intercambios a través de los principales corredores u OTC |
Riesgo de crédito | Mínimo, posee activos subyacentes | Riesgo de crédito de emisor bancario | Mínimo, posee activos subyacentes |
Clientes de Marca Blanca

Beneficios Clave
Para Gestores de Activos

Acceso minorista/institucional a través de los principales corredores y grandes actores del mercado

ETP europeos elegibles para UCITS, que cumplen con PRIIP, MIFID y otras regulaciones aplicables

Llave en mano
Operaciones, trading y documentos reglamentarios ordenados. Marketing, páginas de productos dedicadas y relaciones públicas proporcionadas
Para Inversores

Inversión baja
Invierta desde 1 acción a precios bajos (c. $5)

Acceso a nicho/estrategias activas para complementar las participaciones principales

Se negocia como cualquier otra acción o ETF en mercados regulados
Beneficios Clave
Para Gestores de Activos

Acceso minorista/institucional a través de los principales corredores y grandes actores del mercado

ETP europeos elegibles para UCITS, que cumplen con PRIIP, MIFID y otras regulaciones aplicables

Llave en mano
Operaciones, trading y documentos reglamentarios ordenados. Marketing, páginas de productos dedicadas y relaciones públicas proporcionadas
Para Inversores

Inversión baja
Invierta desde 1 acción a precios bajos (c. $5)

Acceso a nicho/estrategias activas para complementar las participaciones principales

Se negocia como cualquier otra acción o ETF en mercados regulados
Sobre nosotros
- ETP más negociado en la Bolsa de Valores de Londres
- ETP aprobados en 9 jurisdicciones
- $4.8 mil millones negociados en 2023
- Más de 150+ ETPs
- Prospecto revisado por la FCA y el Banco Central de Irlanda
- La estructura SPV segrega los activos que están protegidos y se mantienen con un fideicomisario externo en beneficio de los inversores
- Los ETP cotizan en el mercado principal de las bolsas más grandes del Reino Unido y Europa
Hacemos el trabajo pesado:
Usted se concentra en:
Su estrategia
Hacemos el
trabajo pesado:
Usted se concentra en:
Elaboración de informes y composición de la cartera
Acciones corporativas
Comercio y reequilibrio
Aprobación en el Reino Unido y la UE
Marketing y relaciones públicas
Es hora de que el mundo se entere sobre su estrategia.
Manténgase en contacto
Al suscribirse aquí, acepta nuestra Política de privacidad y recibirá nuestros boletines. Puede darse de baja en cualquier momento siguiendo el enlace que se encuentra en la parte inferior de cada boletín.
Centro de Trading
This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the Prospectus of the ETPs and to the KIID before making any final investment decisions.
This information originates from Investium Limited, which has been appointed as distributor of Leverage Shares products in Europe by Leverage Shares Management Company Limited (the “Arranger”). Investium Limited with registered address at 6 Nikou Georgiou Street, Office 302, 1095 Nicosia Cyprus, is a financial services provider regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC).
The information is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as investment, legal or tax advice. Investium Limited and the Arranger (together referred as “Leverage Shares”) assume no liability with regards to any investment, divestment or retention decision taken by the investor on the basis of this information. The views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) but not necessarily those of Leverage Shares. Opinions are current as of the publication date and are subject to change with market conditions. Certain statements contained herein may constitute projections, forecasts and other forward-looking statements, which do not reflect actual results. Information provided by third party sources is believed to be reliable and have not been independently verified for accuracy or completeness and cannot be guaranteed.
All performance information is based on historical data and does not predict future returns. Investing is subject to risk, including the possible loss of principal. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission of Leverage Shares.
© Leverage Shares 2025
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This website is for informational purposes only.
This website is accessible to retail investors in the EU for informational purposes only. Leverage Shares does not directly distribute to retail investors. Retail clients should not rely on any of the information provided and should seek independent financial advice.
Information contained in this website is intended only to provide general and preliminary information and does not constitute any legal or investment advice, an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any security, including shares of any Exchange Traded Products (“ETPs”).
An investment in the promoted ETPs may only be made based on the ETPs´ legal documentation and will be subject to terms and conditions contained therein.
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This website is for informational purposes only.
Information contained in this website is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to EU regulated firms such as Investment Intermediaries and Asset Managers. This information does not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any security, including shares of any Exchange Traded Products (“ETPs”).
An investment in the promoted ETPs may only be made based on the ETPs´ legal documentation and will be subject to terms and conditions contained therein.
The information provided on this site is not directed to any United States person or any person in the United States, any state thereof, or any of its territories or possessions. The ETPs shown on this website are not available for sale in the U.S. or to a U.S. person.
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This website is accessible to retail investors in the UK for informational purposes only. Leverage Shares does not directly distribute to retail investors. Retail clients should not rely on any of the information provided and should seek assistance from an IFA for all investment guidance and advice.
Information contained in this website is intended only to provide general and preliminary information and does not constitute any legal or investment advice, an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any security, including shares of any Exchange Traded Products (“ETPs”).
An investment in the promoted ETPs may only be made based on the ETPs´ legal documentation and will be subject to terms and conditions contained therein.
The information provided on this site is not directed to any United States person or any person in the United States, any state thereof, or any of its territories or possessions. The ETPs shown on this website are not available for sale in the U.S. or to a U.S. person.
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This website is for informational purposes only.
Information contained in this website is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to FCA regulated firms such as Independent Financial Advisors (IFAs) and Wealth Managers. This information does not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any security, including shares of any Exchange Traded Products (“ETPs”).
An investment in the promoted ETPs may only be made based on the ETPs´ legal documentation and will be subject to terms and conditions contained therein.
The information provided on this site is not directed to any United States person or any person in the United States, any state thereof, or any of its territories or possessions. The ETPs shown on this website are not available for sale in the U.S. or to a U.S. person.
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This website is intended for U.S. residents.
The content on this website is for informational purposes only and is educational in nature.
The material contained on this website is not intended as a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any security or to adopt any investment strategy.