Su di No
Leverage Shares è nata con la missione di democratizzare l’accesso alla negoziazione di titoli singoli e tematici, sia con leva che senza.
La nostra storia
Leverage Shares è un leader europeo nei exchange traded products (ETP) a leva e short, che offrono ai trader esperti un’esposizione ampliata ed efficienza nell’acquisto di azioni con leva.
Siamo l’unico emittente in Europa di ETP a replica fisica.
Il nostro business
I nostri ETP
We offer leveraged and inverse ETPs based on popular stocks, ETFs, and custom indices - alongside unleveraged tracker ETPs and exchange traded commodities (ETCs). Our products are physically backed and listed on Europe’s largest exchanges.
White Label
Third party asset managers can use Leverage Shares’ infrastructure to launch their own ETP. Similar to our existing products, they are listed on regulated exchange(s) and trade like any other stock or ETF.
Prodotti quotati
Offriamo exchange traded products (ETP) a leva 5x, 3x, 2x, -1x, -2x, -3x et -5x con sottostanti titoli popolari e ETF tematici. Tutti i nostri prodotti sono fisicamente garantiti. Sono quotati sul London Stock Exchange, Euronext Parigi, Euronext Amsterdam e Borsa Italiana ed hanno superato rigidi requisiti normativi.
Stock Tracker
I nostri Stock Tracker ETP offrono un'esposizione 1: 1 ai titoli più attuali e hanno notevoli vantaggi fiscali consentiti da ISA nel Regno Unito.
Prodotti su misura
Leverage Shares può creare prodotti ad hoc per broker ed istituzioni finanziarie interessate, che soddisfino determinati criteri di investimento e volumi. Come i nostri ETP già disponibili, saranno quotati in borsa e scambiati come delle azioni.
Il nostro business
Offriamo exchange traded products (ETP) a leva 5x, 3x, 2x, -1x, -2x, -3x et -5x con sottostanti titoli popolari e ETF tematici. Tutti i nostri prodotti sono fisicamente garantiti. Sono quotati sul London Stock Exchange, Euronext Parigi, Euronext Amsterdam e Borsa Italiana ed hanno superato rigidi requisiti normativi.
Stock Tracker
I nostri Stock Tracker ETP offrono un’esposizione 1: 1 ai titoli più attuali e hanno notevoli vantaggi fiscali consentiti da ISA nel Regno Unito.
Prodotti su
Leverage Shares può creare prodotti ad hoc per broker ed istituzioni finanziarie interessate, che soddisfino determinati criteri di investimento e volumi. Come i nostri ETP già disponibili, saranno quotati in borsa e scambiati come delle azioni.
Il nostro business
I nostri ETP
We offer leveraged and inverse ETPs based on popular stocks, ETFs, and custom indices – alongside unleveraged tracker ETPs and exchange traded commodities (ETCs). Our products are physically backed and listed on Europe’s largest exchanges.
White Label
Third party asset managers can use Leverage Shares’ infrastructure to launch their own ETP. Similar to our existing products, they are listed on regulated exchange(s) and trade like any other stock or ETF.
Il nostro business
I nostri ETP
We offer leveraged and inverse ETPs based on popular stocks, ETFs, and custom indices - alongside unleveraged tracker ETPs and exchange traded commodities (ETCs). Our products are physically backed and listed on Europe’s largest exchanges.
White Label
Third party asset managers can use Leverage Shares’ infrastructure to launch their own ETP. Similar to our existing products, they are listed on regulated exchange(s) and trade like any other stock or ETF.
La nostra squadra
Want to join? We always look for talents!
I nostri principi
Be transparent and fair
We believe that decision transparency aligns everyone toward a single mission.
Exceed expectations
We always go the extra mile to ensure that people have a magical experience when working with us.
Get things done
We are building a product category that doesn’t exist yet, with technologies that others struggle to build.
Speak up
Smart people have smart arguments. We speak it up and challenge the room.
Move fast
We don’t believe in perfect plans. We believe in action.
Be candid
We are a team with an aligned mission. Every day we help each other to be successful in our roles.
I nostri principi
Be transparent and fair
We believe that decision transparency aligns everyone toward a single mission.
Exceed expectations
We always go the extra mile to ensure that people have a magical experience when working with us.
Get things done
We are building a product category that doesn’t exist yet, with technologies that others struggle to build.
Speak up
Smart people have smart arguments. We speak it up and challenge the room.
Move fast
We don’t believe in perfect plans. We believe in action.
Be candid
We are a team with an aligned mission. Every day we help each other to be successful in our roles.
I nostri principi
Be transparent and fair
We believe that decision transparency aligns everyone toward a single mission.
Exceed expectations
We always go the extra mile to ensure that people have a magical experience when working with us.
Get things done
We are building a product category that doesn’t exist yet, with technologies that others struggle to build.
Speak up
Smart people have smart arguments. We speak it up and challenge the room.
Move fast
We don’t believe in perfect plans.
We believe in action.
Be candid
We are a team with an aligned mission. Every day we help each other to be successful in our roles.
I nostri principi
Be transparent and fair
We believe that decision transparency aligns everyone toward a single mission.
Exceed expectations
We always go the extra mile to ensure that people have a magical experience when working with us.
Get things done
We are building a product category that doesn’t exist yet, with technologies that others struggle to build.
Speak up
Smart people have smart arguments. We speak it up and challenge the room.
Move fast
We don’t believe in perfect plans. We believe in action.
Be candid
We are a team with an aligned mission. Every day we help each other to be successful in our roles.