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Natural Gas ETC

The LS Natural Gas ETC is a fully collateralised, UCITS eligible Exchange-Traded Commodity (ETC) that aims to reflect daily changes (in percentage terms) of changes in the level of Henry Hub Natural Gas. It is designed to do so by providing a passive, total return exposure to front-month Natural Gas futures traded on NYMEX which are continuously rolled on a pre-determined schedule, less expenses.

NAV as of 


52 WK: 

1 Day NAV Change


as of 

NAV Total Return



as of 



as of 

Pourquoi Choisir L’etp Natural Gas ETC?

Access a trend following systematic strategy.

Aims to outperform the S&P 500 over a market cycle.

Can go long or short the S&P 500 (max. leverage 1.5x) or invest in cash.

Physically-backed product

Simple. Négocié comme n’importe quelle autre action.

Low cost

Offers the lowest all-in fees among ETCs with direct exposure to single commodities.

Targeted Exposure

Gain direct exposure to Natural Gas, advantageous for investors specifically interested in this commodity.


ETCs trade on stock exchanges like a regular stock, offering an easy alternative to managing commodity baskets or rolling cash and futures positions.


Données au 








YTD Return




Tous (annualisé)


Tous (cumulatif)



Volatilité annualisée


52 Semaine

Plus haut sur 52 semaines


Plus bas sur 52 semaines


Average Turnover

Daily Volume




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